Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tyler, to the Post-Mobile! DA-NUH!

I haven't posted in a while, and I have little time so this will be quick, and newsy. :)

1. I lost my wallet. If you find it, please return to me with all money intact.

2. I almost bought the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, but I lost my wallet. :P

3. I don't seem to be working quite as much anymore.

4. I is low on moneys... :P

5. Life is good. (as always)

Friday, November 25, 2011

So there I was...

I was walking through the parking lot. Every space was occupied. Cars were spilling onto the streets, parked in the most unnatural spots. I ducked under the yellow tape and walked through the doors. I had never seen so many people in one place before. I mean, come on, this is Sanpete. It feels like there are about fifty people living in the entire valley. Anyway, I made my way through the crowds, looking for people I knew. Everyone was crowded around the plastic covered products as though they were pure gold. After I found my group, we placed ourselves strategically throughout the building in an effort to gain the advantage. When the time came, the world seemed to end. Plastic was ripped, hands were flying, and there was nothing I could do but reach in and grab what I could. The place was a madhouse. Death was imminent, but I managed to shoulder my way out of the beastly crowd. I made my way to my chariot (cart) and rode through the crowd towards the lines. The wait was near unbearable, for I had to do it twice, but I had fun. :)

Ice cream o' the day:

Graham crackers made into ice cream... that's all there is to say. :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Choice

I had the choice: Chocolate, caramel, marshmallow, more chocolate, and more caramel vs chocolate, marshmallow, and sweet tasty brownie chunks... I debated, fought, consulted my co-workers. In the end, I made my decision. I chose... raspberry!


Only five more... come on, you guys can make it!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

From the Journals of Ezekiel Tyrus

On the Run:

The light passed over the bushes. Was my cover blown? No; it moved to a different area. But the van slowed to a halt. The light shut off and I saw the door open. As the door slammed shut I rolled farther into the bushes, using their noise to cover my own. A man wearing jeans walked around, looking through the bushes. I controlled my breathing. Any noise could give me away now. The man in jeans walked down the street a bit. He couldn't find me, so he returned to the van. They moved down the street to where they thought Gatlin must be hiding. I waited for the house next to me to come between the van and I. When it did, I took off full speed down the street in the other direction towards the main road. As I jogged down the sidewalk of the street, I could see their searchlight looking around from across the block. As I walked in towards the Maverick, the searchlight beamed through the yards and shined right on me. The van slowed. I ran behind the car wash and waited. No sign of the van. I made my way around the car wash and hid behind the dumpsters. The van pulled around the corner and stopped next to the bins. There was no way I was escaping this time. My only chance was if the man in the jeans didn't get out this time. And he didn't. They drove away, leaving me huddled in the darkness. I made my way down the street where I was reunited with Gatlin and the others. We were ghosting our way across the city park when I saw the lights of the van coming down the street. I yelled at everybody to get moving as I ran full speed down the hill to the tennis courts with Gat right on my heels. I had made it this far and I wasn't going to get caught now. Gat and I sprinted across the street and through Josh's property. As we rounded the corner of the opera house, the van came down the street behind us. But we had made it. We reached our destination without getting caught. We were victorious!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Would you like some FAIL to go with that?

I just decided to throw in a quick post about our the newspaper. First things first, this paper was a complete failure compared to almost all other issues.  I am sorry to everybody who read and disliked.  But, we will be posting all the stories online so if you want to visit at www.nstimes.us, it will be a lot better there.  Our layout was pretty sad, a small bit of that was my fault. Anyway, don't judge us. Failing is not a purposeful thing.

Monday, November 14, 2011

"Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness... Check"

I just realized something AWESOME! Despite all opposition, I find myself living the good life. At first, I thought that being as busy as I am would wear me down to a snappy lad, but I now realize that having no free time makes all my time free time... That didn't make any sense. What I mean is, by losing myself in work, I have found myself. Right now my legs are sore, I am way under on sleep hours, I am covered in ice cream stains, and my back hurts too much to move  Right now I know that I am living in the prime of my life, I have great friends (both near and far, close and acquaintance,) I am making money like there is no tomorrow, and I am on a spiritual high. There is a reason my name is Glad. I feel like I am where I am supposed to be.

I've also decided to start describing my favorite ice cream flavors.
Coconut Joy: Ice cream that tastes like eating heaven.  It was made in the 1984 effort to find an ice cream that tasted exactly like Almond Joys.  Coconut Joy was voted the best over other popular flavors such as Almond Madness and Coco-Joy.  It has the distinct flavor of coconut built into the very ice cream itself. A generous amount of chocolate is swirled through. Almonds are added to taste. Viola! Tastiness in the extreme.
(This is at least 50% true.)

Stay tuned for more flavor descriptions. :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ezekiel Tyrus - Student, Journalist, Leader of the Rebellion

I found a new name that will represent my super coolness (or believed super coolness) in the flesh. Ezekiel Tyrus is the name I chose.  I chose this because my real name is Ezra Tyler.  Ezekiel Tyrus is a representation of my name, just with a cooler Roman sound to it.  To go along with this name I have created a persona.  This character is like me in almost every aspect of the sense.  The only large difference is the fact that this guy goes on crazy awesome adventures.  He leads rebellions, fights ninjas, and lives life as a mild mannered high school student all at the same time.  I have decided that every once in a while, a post in this may be dedicated to this guy.

I am actually doing layout now.... Layout night is tomorrow, but we are trying to get as far as we can before the horror dawns upon us.  The beautifully delicious horror that will kill us all.  That description made it sound like drugs. It isn't drugs. Though the cookie I am eating now may be. It tastes a little off.

I realize that I haven't talked about work a lot lately.  I guess it's about time to make an update.

Work is great. I have found that working more hours means more money. That is something that I really love.  Having money in the bank is great.  Making bank is great.  So I find myself working more and more. I also find myself enjoying it.  The best part is my co-workers.  They make me laugh.  I guess I make them laugh too.  :)

Time to get to work. Adios.

Monday, November 7, 2011

On Nooooo!

I discovered the absolute best website ever. It is called the instant no button, and it is exactly what it sounds like.  Hit the button, hear the long, drawn out nooooooooo!!!!

In other news, I am typing this post at school.  Luckily I have found a way to sometimes access blogger while at school.  The moon must be aligned correctly and the stars must create a Rogle-Lovenhurst projection. (I have no idea what I'm saying...)  In other words, I need my teacher's login, but that isn't very hard to get.  I am actually in advisory right now, but we were supposed to go to an assembly, but I didn't take the test that the assembly was about, so I decided to come in here instead.  I find myself surrounded by the dreaded freshmen. (I looked up the literal definition for nooble online. It didn't disappoint.)  They keep looking over my shoulder to see what I'm doing.  It makes me feel awkward.

My new laptop is actually working out very well.  I love using it.  I can do so many things. I feel... connected.  Like I am part of some giant social network of life.  This blog helps contribute to that feeling. Except for the fact that nobody will get me up to 100 pageviews. I tried, I waited, and you guys failed me. My faithful readers have failed me.  98 is a sad number when compared to 100, but just you wait. This will continue to grow more and more.  So you guys may have lost your chance for a epic 100th pageview post, but 200 is a good number too, so when that day comes be prepared.

I ended the quarter with a 4.0... I tried my hardest to get a 3.9, but I have failed.  I had my one A- and at the end of the quarter it changed back to an A... I have failed.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Celebrating the Not 100th Pageview!

Well the plan today was to commemorate my 100th pageview.  Sadly, I still sit at a steady 97. So the real post will have to wait.

Be prepared...





Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I just have to say, that was one crazy day.  Halloween has always been a bit over the top for my family, but this year we mellowed it out. It still didn't feel mellow.  I dressed up as a member of Nudists on Strike. (NOS) I went to school with a bag of about fifteen signs saying, "I am a Nudist on Strike," on them.  All of my friends who didn't bring a costume were given one of these signs.  I have to attribute the idea to Elizabeth. She came up with the nudist on strike, I just made it into an organization of about fifteen prestigious members.  That was the best part.  I may have gotten a few chuckles if I was the only one wearing one of these signs, but the flippinosity was increased ten-fold by the fact that the signs were all over the school.  Everywhere you were there was someone with one of these signs.  It was fantastic, until my sign was stolen by a plebe.  But it was still great.

I also watched Captain America yesterday. The Easter eggs in it made me laugh.  Everything they did directly related to things that happened in other movies. It was a little bit weird.  I also got to eat a lot.  I ate all of Julie's candy corn.  I just found the bowl and before I knew what had happened it was most of the way gone.  I am definitely feeling that this morning.  I am probably going to have to sleep a bit at school today. Even though I went to bed at ten, I spent so much energy that I can barely even walk on this fine morning.  I have work again today, too.  I haven't been since Friday.  That was a long time ago. I miss the taste of ice cream. Mostly butter pecan. Mmmm... That's the good stuff.

Europe is looking pretty far away.  Every time I think I've saved some money, something comes up; expenses that I did not plan for.  And I bought a pink tie. That wasn't exactly needed. Well, yes it was. I didn't have a tie that matched my super cool blue shirt.  So I bought one.  That's my excuse.

Anyway, I'm goin' to school now.