Sunday, December 16, 2012

Liam Cadarch (This is the Beginning)

So, this is just an introduction to the main character of my new favorite story. I have spent a lot of time getting ready for the initial draft and I should begin posting actual (rough) chapters within a few weeks.

 The legend of the Coldfrost tells the story of the fourth War of the Sword and the rise of the all-King. It tells a story filled with kings, queens, wars, magic, sorrows, and joy. The legend, although told from many points of view, revolves mainly around a seventeen-year-old farmhand named Liam Cadarch. Now, before such a story can be written or told, one must understand just who this farmhand is.

Liam Cadarch was born on the 27th of Andeas in the year 1315 CM in Camarid, the mountainous capital city of the country Gellion. He was born to Tepheus and Ellin Cadarch. Tepheus worked as a city guard and Ellin spent her spare time doing needlework. The family lived happily for the first four years of Liam's life, until Tepheus had a fatal run in with dark magic practitioners. Tepheus, as a member of the city guard, had gone investigating cultist activities in the caves near Camarid. While in these caves, he was unknowingly marked as he attempted to open a cursed door. The curse targeted him as the next prey for a nearby evil, the Wanderer. That night, when Tepheus returned home, the Wanderer followed.

The next morning a close friend of Tepheus's, Jonathan Aexa, stopped by the Cadarch home on his journey back to his farm. Upon entering the home, he found both Tepheus and Ellin slain. He then buried his friends, gathered what remaining belongings he could, and took Liam with him back to his mountainside farm.
It was at the Greenedge farmlands, about seven miles south-west of Camarid, that Liam was raised by Jonathan and his wife, Salla, alongside their own son, Artimedor. It was hear that he learned hard-work, increasing in both stature and strength. Because of his traumatic experience in his early life, he found it hard to confide in others on an emotional level, only ever becoming close to Artimedor, his adopted brother, and Evlynn, a neighboring farm-girl.

As he grew, he found great interest in the pursuit of knowledge: an interest which was shared with Evlynn. They began by reading books and eventually by meeting with scholars during visits to Camarid. It was on Liam's first such trip, a celebration of his eleventh birthday, that he received his first musical instrument, a wooden flute. Receiving this instrument marked the beginning of his interest in the art of creating music.
Between working on the farm and learning, Liam had little time for leisure, but when such a day would come when Liam was left to his own devices he would almost always be found alone, deep in the foothills of the white mountains. Here he would spend the long hours reading, playing his flute, or pondering deep things.

When Liam reached the age of fifteen, a Dayrunner war party attacked some homes near the Aexa farm. This reawakened Liam to his memories and planted a seed of unrest deep in his heart. This seed grew slowly, taking up more of his thoughts with each passing day. Finally, two months before his seventeenth birthday and with the help of Evlynn, he had formulated a plan; they would both, upon him reaching the age of seventeen, leave the farms on which they were raised and seek entry into the Scholar's Guild. Liam thirsted for change, and he saw this plan as the opportunity to begin making something of himself.

The legend of the Coldfrost begins at this point, two months before Liam's coming of age, months away from the fourth war, and at the beginning of a new era in the histories of Gildora.